Lenten Resources
Lent comes from the Old English word meaning “to lengthen” and refers to the lengthening of days.
The Forty Days of Lent begin on Ash Wednesday through Easter but do not count Sundays. Sundays were seen as “mini Easters,” and days to break the fast. As Advent prepares for Christmas and the incarnation, Lent prepares us for Easter and the Resurrection of Christ. Lent can be seen as a time of “spring cleaning your spiritual life” in terms of taking on a prayer practice, or a renewed spiritual commitment. Traditionally, fasting has been part of Lent, but it should not be used as a way to jump-start healthy eating habits. It should be about connecting our journey with Christ, who was in the wilderness for forty days, who journeyed to the cross for us.
Because Lent mirrors Advent, sometimes candles are used to mark the Sundays. Some churches use a “tenebrae” model, meaning shadows, that are often used on Maundy Thursday in extinguishing candles each week. Others, reflecting the theme that Sundays are “mini Easter,” light a candle each Sunday. In my pastoral ministry I often opted for lighting candles for each Sunday of Lent until we reached Easter, the seventh Sunday, so you’ll see some candle lighting liturgies below.
Possible Themes for Lent: a resource containing 9 different themes for Lent, some with scriptures for each week.
Parable Series: I first used this series in 2019, loosely based on the Revised Common Lectionary but focusing on parables.
7 Ways of Resistance: a series I created in 2017 with optional Star Wars references, of how we are called to resist empire to follow Jesus.
Sojourning: a Lenten Series for Year C from 2022 that focuses on the spiritual journey with symbols of the journey present in the worship space.
Exploring Lent Through Our Senses : a series from 2023 based on Year A of the Revised Common Lectionary.
Spring Cleaning Your Spiritual Life: a series from 2018 paired with the Year B Hebrew Scripture readings from the Revised Common Lectionary.
Lenten Candle Lighting Liturgies not tied to a series.