Worship Resources for February 26, 2023—First Sunday in Lent

Revised Common Lectionary: Genesis 2:15-17, 3:1-7; Psalm 32; Romans 5:12-19; Matthew 4:1-11

Narrative Lectionary: Forgiveness, Matthew 18:15-35 (Psalm 32:1-2)

On this first Sunday in Lent, we read the story of God’s allowance to eat any fruit in the garden of creation, except for the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil in Genesis 2:15-17. The first human being was given that command, but in 3:1-7, the serpent tempts the woman and man to eat of the fruit, so that their eyes are opened to the knowledge of good and evil. This creation story centers on the knowledge that God has given us everything, yet when we desire what we do not have, we can be led into sin.

Psalm 32 is a psalm of confession sin before God. The psalmist acknowledges that in trying to hide what was wrong, their entire body suffered and they felt the weight of what they’d done upon them in the form of God’s hand. However, when they turned to God and confessed, God forgave “the guilt of their sin.” The guilt of sin often weighs on us more than the wrongdoing itself, that can only be released when confessed. The psalmist encourages those who are faithful to pray and to follow God’s instructions and counsel. Those who put their trust in God will know God’s faithfulness and steadfast love.

The Epistle readings in Lent are in Romans for weeks 1-3 and week 5. Paul juxtaposes Adam with Christ in 5:12-19, with Adam’s sin bringing death into the world and Christ’s death bringing life back into the world. Adam’s actions condemned all and lead to death, but Christ’s actions justify all and lead to life. Paul concludes this section with juxtaposing sin with grace. Sin had dominion through death, but grace has dominion through Christ’s death, giving us eternal life.

Matthew’s account of Jesus’s temptation in the wilderness occurs in 4:1-11. Unlike Mark, Matthew lists three temptations that Jesus faced, which are the same in Luke but the last two are reversed. In all three temptations, Jesus quotes scripture back at the devil to refute, rebuke, and refuse. The first temptation takes place when Jesus is hungry after fasting and praying, the purpose of which was to draw closer to God by emptying himself. The temptation to abuse the power within him is refuted when he quotes the Torah, holding on to the reason of his fast. The Son of God draws closer to God by becoming as human as possible, hungry and in need. The second temptation also involves abusing his power as the Son of God, to prove himself to others by testing God. The devil quotes Psalm 91 atop the pinnacle of the temple, but Jesus rebukes the devil by quoting again from the Torah to not put God to the test. We draw closer to God when we rebuke the powers of the world we have made, the power of empire and oppression. Finally, the devil offers Jesus all the kingdoms of the world if Jesus will bow down and worship him. At this point, Jesus tells the devil to go away and again quotes from the same portion of Deuteronomy, refusing to worship the devil, and to worship and serve only God. Once the devil left Jesus, angels came and waited on him. Jesus drew closer to heaven in his refusal to serve or desire the empires and powers of this world, and so we, too, draw closer to the reign of God when we refuse to serve powers of oppression and domination.

The Narrative Lectionary turns to Jesus’s teachings on forgiveness in Matthew 18:15-35. In 15-20, Jesus instructs the disciples on how to settle disputes within the church. The account of Matthew was probably written at least forty to fifty years after Jesus’s death and resurrection, long after the establishment of the early church, so it makes sense that some instruction was embedded in the gospel to help guide the listeners/readers of Matthew’s community in resolving disputes and reconciling to one another. Verses 21-22 contain Jesus’s teachings on forgiveness, also contained in Luke. Not meant to be taken literally, Jesus’s reply to Peter about needing to forgive more than seven times is that forgiveness is a process, it takes time and work. Verses 23-35 is a difficult parable illustrating that we must forgive people for the things we continue to do. It’s important to note that in the Lord’s prayer, when we pray for forgiveness of our sins (or trespasses or debts), we are asking for forgiveness as we forgive those who have sinned against us. We are asking God to forgive the things we do because we will forgive others who do the same things, for the servant forgiven of his debt would not forgive others indebted to him. This is not about forgiving an abuser, a murderer, an oppressor—we must hold them accountable, and we do not forgive others for things we would never do. But the things we still do to one another—this is what Jesus teaches us we must also forgive—if we want to be forgiven.

Psalm 32 is the psalm today for the Revised Common Lectionary, and verses 1-2 are the supplemental verses for the Narrative Lectionary. The psalmist in these first two verses blesses those who have turned to God and know God’s forgiveness. Blessed are those who are honest and true before God, those who do not try to deceive God and others about their sins.

Lent is the season of forty days (not counting Sundays) between Ash Wednesday and Easter. In this season, historically Christians have fasted and prayed, remembering to turn back to God and remember their own mortality. As Christ died for us, we attempt to die to ourselves, to our own desires, and resolve to focus on God and God’s ways. Resisting the ways of this world that human beings have created—the desire for power over others and wealth and possessions—is part of the practice of Lent, of what we fast from and pray for (Isaiah 58:1-12). The need to deny ourselves is not about self-depravation or a need to sacrifice our own health or worth. Rather, it is looking to Jesus who became closer to God when he became more like us, reminded of his own mortality and refusing to squander it by jumping off a tower. Instead, he sought to serve others and continues to teach us that denying ourselves is not so we diminish, but to lift up one another. In the Narrative lectionary, forgiveness is not something we do so we can become door mats, but rather we recognize our own sin in the sin of others, and work to change our lives while forgiving others who are struggling the same.

Call to Worship (from Micah 6:6-8)
God has shown you, mortal beings, what is good,
And what does the Lord require of you?
God requires us to take notice of injustice and to act in just ways.
What does God desire of you?
God desires that our hearts break open for one another,
to practice loving-kindness.
What does God hope for you?
God hopes that we will recognize our own humanity,
Releasing our privilege and power over others,
To live in humility with God and one another.
This is how we change the world:
We begin by changing our own hearts and lives,
Before God and one another.
We enter this time of worship,
Preparing to live into the Way, the Truth, and the Life,
Of Christ Jesus our Lord.

Prayer of Brokenness/Confession
God of the Wilderness, we confess that we do not always resist temptation. It is easy to fall into the ways of this world we have made. The world’s problems are too big, and we desire to make things comfortable and easy for ourselves and those close to us. We ignore those in need around us, we allow injustice, and we deceive ourselves into thinking we can’t do anything about the concerns of poverty and oppression around us. Call us into accountability, O God, to do the hard work of taking notice of the reality among us. To listen to the stories of those who have been oppressed even when it is hard for us to hear. To change our ways of life so that others may live. Lead us into right paths, O God, out of the wilderness of security and into the way promised for us, for Your name’s sake. Amen.

Blessing/Assurance (Psalm 139:7-12)
Where can I go from your spirit? Or where can I flee from your presence?
If I ascend to heaven, you are there; if I make my bed in Sheol, you are there.
If I take the wings of the morning and settle at the farthest limits of the sea,
even there your hand shall lead me, and your right hand shall hold me fast.
If I say, “Surely the darkness shall cover me, and the light around me become night,”
even the darkness is not dark to you; the night is as bright as the day, for darkness is as light to you.

God is always near you, even if you cannot feel it. The Holy Spirit is within you, even if you do not notice it. Christ is always beside you, even if you cannot comprehend it. You are made in the image of God, beloved. You are precious. You are forgiven of your sins. Go and love one another. Tell others they are made in the image of God, and show them how much God loves them, and you will know God’s love.

Holy Spirit, one who is with us in the wilderness, guide our path. Some of us are lost and confused, others have gone astray. All of us, at one point, feel distant from You. Remind us that we need to be fed by spiritual food, the bread of life, the living water of salvation. Remind us that there is no need to test others or God, and that if we wait, we will know Your presence. Keep us to the promise that if we live for You, the powers of the world humanity has made will not have a hold on us. We can belong and participate in the kin-dom here on earth as it is in heaven, and the power and dominance and oppression of empire will not endure. Holy Spirit, guide us forward. Amen.

Worship Resources for February 19th, 2023—Transfiguration Sunday

Revised Common Lectionary: Exodus 24:12-18; Psalm 2 or Psalm 99; 2 Peter 1:16-21; Matthew 17:1-9

Narrative Lectionary: Transfiguration, Matthew 16:24-17:8 (Psalm 41:7-10)

Transfiguration Sunday is the last Sunday in this season after the Epiphany, preparing us for Lent which begins on Ash Wednesday (this year, February 22nd).

We begin with Exodus 24:12-18, when Moses went up the mountain to receive tablets from God with the instructions and commandments God had given Moses for the people. God’s glory appeared like a cloud on the mountain, and it remained for six days, before God called up Moses to enter the cloud on the seventh day. In a sense, this was a new creation, the creating of God’s people through the covenant at Mt. Sinai. And Moses remained up on the mountain for forty days and forty nights.

Psalm 2 is a song questioning the authority of earthly kings when God is the one who reigns. God has appointed an earthly king (the king of Israel in vs. 7). The psalmist warns the earthly kings and rulers to turn to wisdom and serve God, because God has called the king of Israel to serve them, and other kings must follow.

An alternative reading is Psalm 99, which is also a royal psalm, calling the people to worship God as their king. God is committed to justice and equity and has established justice in Israel. Moses and Aaron were priests who served God, along with the prophet Samuel. As God spoke with them and they followed God’s ways, so the people ought to serve and worship God. The psalmist recalls how God spoke through the pillar of cloud at Sinai and how these ancestral leaders remained faithful to God. The psalmist concludes by calling the people to worship God at the holy mountain (Sinai for the people in the wilderness, Zion for the people in Jerusalem, where the temple was erected), for God is holy.

The Epistle reading is 2 Peter 1:16-21. The writer purports to be Peter who witnessed the transfiguration on the mountain. The writer uses this moment to justify their letter and beliefs, for a church well after the time of Jesus’s death and resurrection that was beginning to question whether Christ would return. The writer states they are not embellishing anything, they are merely sharing what they experienced and saw and learned. This comes from God, not from any human authority.

Matthew’s account of the transfiguration of Jesus occurs in 17:1-9. Echoing Moses’s experience on Mount Sinai, Jesus went up the mountain and was transfigured before Peter, James, and John, in that his appearance changed. And like on Mount Sinai, God’s glory appears through a cloud, coming upon them while Peter is still speaking, trying to make sense of what happened when Moses and Elijah appeared with Jesus. In most English translations, the word used for dwelling is translated as tents, suggesting giving Moses, Elijah, and Jesus equal authority. The Common English Bible uses the word shines, which suggests perhaps worship or elevated significance. In any case, Peter has missed the point, and the point is to listen to God’s beloved Son. The disciples are full of awe, trembling, but Jesus tells them to get up and not be afraid. In verse 9, Jesus orders them not to tell anyone about what they saw or experienced until he was raised from the dead. The Transfiguration is a mystery—what exactly happened, we cannot know. But what we can understand is that God is the God of the living, that the same God who spoke through Moses and Elijah spoke through Jesus, and that God is still speaking to us, calling us to listen to the Beloved One.

The Narrative Lectionary also follows the Transfiguration in Matthew, but begins in 16:24, with Jesus’s instructions on denying themselves and taking up their cross in order to follow him. Those who want to save their lives here in this world (the world we have made, of systems of wealth and power) will lose their lives, and those who lose their lives in this world will find life with Christ. The world we have made values life with worldly measures of success, security, wealth and power; finding life with Christ means denying those things have value and instead values relationship, mercy, compassion, justice and love. Why gain everything of the world we have made and have nothing at the end of it? There will come a reckoning where people will be paid back for what they have done, according to the writer of Matthew. A vision of what is to come occurs in 17:1-8, the Transfiguration, with Moses and Elijah, who gave up their worldly life, having eternity with God.

The supplementary verses of Psalm 41:7-10 are the cries of a psalmist in anguish as people plot against them. They have been betrayed even by their closest friends. But they pray to God for mercy, to be raised up so they can pay back what others have done to them.

The Transfiguration is perhaps one of my least favorite stories personally because it is so mysterious. We don’t really know what happened on the mountain, or why Peter said what he said. We have lost much to history and cultural understandings that we no longer hold. However, in the ancient world, mountaintops were places where it was understood that heaven and earth met. The veil between this life and eternal life was thin. While we no longer physically understand heaven to be above us, we do understand that there are times in our lives when we feel closer to God and to those who have gone before us. What do we learn from them and those experiences? What does it teach us when we impose worldly values on our beliefs of heaven? Do we think we can take worldly wealth and power with us? Jesus, time and again, spoke of becoming last of all and servant of all. Denying ourselves to take up our cross to follow him. Denying the power and sway of the world we have made—our systems of economic injustice, inequality, oppression and marginalization—and instead, living for others in the reign of God. Serving one another, caring for one another, laying down our lives for one another—Christ has shown us the way in this life, now, for how to live in eternity.

Call to Worship (paraphrase of Psalm 99)
The Lord is Creator of all! May we tremble in awe.
May we praise God’s great and awesome name.
Our Mighty God is a lover of justice,
May we strive for equity and righteousness.
When our ancestors cried out to God, God answered them,
And God responds to our prayers and pleas.
Worship the Wondrous and Mighty One,
Holy is our God!

Prayer of Brokenness/Confession
Mystery of Mysteries, we confess that we think we know far too much than we actually do. We think we know right from wrong, good from bad. We think we know who is beloved by You and who is not. We think we have the authority to judge. We have messed up badly. Wondrous God, call us back into Your ways of love and mercy and turn us away from snap judgments and overconfident perceptions. Remind us that of all You have made in this universe, we are but a grain of sand. Yet You have loved us, molded and shaped us. Call us back into a place of awe and wonder, a place where we question and listen more than we demand and answer. May we become slow to judge, quick to forgive, develop a posture of compassionate listening, and silence the voices that make us think we know better. In the name of our Wise God, our Savior Jesus Christ, we pray. Amen.

The Beloved One loves us all, and has shown us the way, the truth, and the life. Love one another. Serve one another. Be moved by empathy and compassion and love, and not by measures of success in this world such as wealth and fame and worldly power. Listen, seek, serve, and love, and it shall go well with you. You are God’s beloved, and God calls you to follow the Beloved One, Jesus Christ our Lord, in whom you are forgiven, loved and restored. Amen.

God of Mystery, God of Transfiguration, help us to view the world differently. Help us to experience places where heaven and earth meet, where the veil is thin, where we view life through Your lens. Help us to find the holy wherever we are, to experience mystery and wonder. May we experience awe that causes us to tremble in Your presence. May we hear Your voice call to us, and may we feel You gently help us up when we are down. May we experience the holy all around us, knowing You are ever-present and faithful. Your steadfast love endures forever, in us, around us, and beyond us. Amen.

Lenten Resources for 2023

I’ve created a new Lenten series this year based on a sensory journey through the five senses and the Revised Common Lectionary Readings. As always, a word of caution on ableist views and use of senses, especially sight and hearing. I’ve shared more in the resource below.

2023 Lenten Series Year A–Exploring Lent Through Our Senses.

You can find previous years resources, including sermon themes, candle-lighting liturgies, and more on the Lent Resources Page.

Worship Resources for February 12th, 2023—Sixth Sunday after the Epiphany

Revised Common Lectionary: Deuteronomy 30:15-20; Psalm 119:1-8; 1 Corinthians 3:1-9; Matthew 5:21-37

Narrative Lectionary: Parables of the Kingdom, Matthew 13:24-43 (Psalm 84:1-7)

As part of Moses’s final instructions to the Israelites before they enter the promised land, knowing he will not go with them, Moses reminds the people they have a choice to make. The prophet and leader lays it out for them in Deuteronomy 30:15-20. God has been faithful, but will they be faithful to God? If they follow God’s ways and keep to the commandments and instruction given them, it shall go well with them. However, if they choose to follow other gods and are led astray, they will not make it long. Moses implores them to choose life, to choose the way of God, so they might survive as a community and remember how God was faithful to their ancestors. God’s faithfulness will endure with them.

Psalm 119:1-8 begins as a blessing and reminder to those who seek God and keep God’s commandments. In verses 5-8, the psalmist turns to their own personal petition, that they might keep to God’s ways, and that God would not forsake them. They long to be faithful and to praise God, and pray that they might stay true to God’s ways.

The Epistle readings for this season after the Epiphany have followed the letter of 1 Corinthians, concluding this series with 3:1-9. Paul explains that when he visited and wrote prior to this letter, he couldn’t go in depth with them because they were not spiritually mature, and they’re still not ready. Their arguments and preferences for partiality show they have not grown, and they are still stuck in the ways of this world. They are not acting as children of God. It doesn’t matter what their human teachers do, neither Paul nor Apollos can grow faith. They can plant and nurture, but it is God who does the growth. Paul, Apollos and others are merely God’s servants, helping God to do the building and growing of the people into faith.

Jesus continues to teach in the Sermon on the Mount in 5:21-37. In this selection, Jesus gives several examples of what the law says, but, like a good rabbi of his day, he expands on those examples to give a deeper instruction on how we ought to live. In 5:21-26, Jesus uses the example of “do not murder” to show that all of us need to work on resolving our conflicts well before they get to that point, and work toward reconciliation with one another before coming to prayer. Verses 27-32 speak of the covenant of marriage and fidelity, speaking of both adultery and divorce as what God does not desires for us. In terms of adultery, we must work on ourselves to be faithful, we cannot blame the other. In terms of divorce, Jesus was speaking in a specific cultural context of the time, especially where women often had no say in the matter and were treated as property. The truth we can hear in today’s terms is that God does not desire for us to experience the pain of divorce. God would rather we work on ourselves first to avoid that pain. This does not mean divorce isn’t necessary at times to avoid more pain and to bring healing. Verses 33-37 teach of honesty and truth. In this example, Jesus shares that though they were taught “do not swear falsely and fulfill your vows,” they ought to instead just be honest from the beginning, faithful to the truth. Their yes should mean yes, their no should mean no. There is no need to swear or vow when one is consistently honest and true. Jesus desires that his disciples be good, faithful, and honest, without resorting to having to prove that they are those ways. They live with integrity, work on their anger and desires that might lead them astray into broken relationships, and instead, live in faithfulness with one another.

The Narrative Lectionary shifts further ahead in Matthew’s account of the Gospel to the Parables of the Kingdom in 13:24-43. The parable of the weeds among the wheat bookends this section, with the parable in 24-30 and the explanation coming in 36-43. Though the intention of the farmer was to plant wheat, someone else has planted weeds. The weeds cannot be pulled until harvest time, or they will uproot the wheat. Once again, fire is used by the writer of Matthew as a purifying fire, removing the hold of evil, the desires of the world we have made. However, Jesus is more concerned with the righteous, that though it is difficult to live into God’s ways now, they are the ones who will make it through. In verses 31-33, Jesus tells two more parables about the kingdom of heaven. The first is the parable of the mustard seed. Jesus exaggerates, because the mustard seed is not the smallest, nor can it grow into a tree, but a mustard plant is invasive. Just like blackberries in the Pacific Northwest, no one goes and plants a mustard seed or a blackberry seed. But the kingdom of God is subversive, and can grow anywhere, and once it takes root it cannot be uprooted. Birds will find it and make it their home. The second parable is the yeast. Once again Jesus exaggerates, because it is a massive amount of flour contained in a bushel, but once the yeast is in there, it will slowly transform the dough and leaven it. It takes time, but it will endure. Verses 34-35 explain that Jesus used parables to teach, as a way of showing what God has hidden in the world—like a mustard seed. Parables are stories with multiple layers of meanings, and when we continue to struggle and search within them, we will find a greater understanding of God, the work of God in this world, and the building up of God’s kin-dom on earth as it is in heaven.

The supplementary verses for the Narrative Lectionary are Psalm 84:1-7, which speaks of the beauty of the temple, where God dwells, a place where birds even have found a home in the courtyard of God. Those who reside with God—whether in the temple or in their hearts—are truly happy, as they experience the fullness of God. Paired with the parables of the kingdom, this psalm shows that it is the desire to dwell with God that makes God’s presence known, and creation knows this, too.

Living into God’s kingdom, or kin-dom, God’s beloved community on earth as it is in heaven, requires an inner transformation. Commandments and teachings can be followed passively, like in the church in Corinth, which was more concerned about status and privilege and power, or they can be a guide to an inner change, which Jesus speaks of, and Moses called the people into accountability for. The commandments are a guide for us to look at our own heart. Do not commit adultery is much more about where our heart is and how our desires lead us than just a rule to follow. How we deal with our own anger and disappointments, how we live with integrity—this will keep us from murder, adultery, stealing, and all other sorts of wrongs.

This inner transformation is also what Jesus teaches through the parables. The reign of God on earth is subversive, and easily missed, but God has intentionally planted seeds for us to nurture. God is intentionally at work in creation and all around us to work for good. But it is easy to ignore and get sidetracked by the world we created, a world where wealth, power, and notoriety are the measures of success. Where we hoard possessions and power, and others suffer. The weeds block the nutrients to the wheat. While we have often interpreted the weeds as evil people and wheat as good people, we all have dealt with the weeds that disrupt our lives. The weeds that take over when we’re not paying attention, because we’re distracted by the world. Rather, we can view this parable with our lives as the field. Are we carefully nurturing wheat, or are we allowing the weeds of the world to take over our life? Are we growing to allow creation to also rejoice, or are we stifling God’s work?

Call to Worship
God has set before us the way of life,
May we grow into the beloved community.
God gave us the commandments, ordinances, and statues,
May we live into God’s ways of justice.
God sent Jesus, teaching us the fullness of God’s love,
May we love our neighbor as ourselves.
God continues to speak to us through the Holy Spirit,
May we choose the way, the truth, and the life of Christ;
May we draw closer to God in this time of worship.

Prayer of Brokenness/Confession
Wondrous God, Instructor of Life, we confess that we have forgotten the lessons we learned as children; how to play, how to laugh, how to love freely, how to share, how to let others know when we need comfort and healing, how to forgive, and how to continue learning. We confess we have been terrible disciples at times. You sent us Your Son Jesus to teach us, but we have failed to internalize his teachings and do not understand the parables. We instead memorize verses out of context and have used Scripture as a weapon to justify and divide and cause great harm. Forgive us, O God, for failing again and again. Call us into accountability and help prepare us to learn anew Your lessons of love, compassion, and forgiveness, first with ourselves, and with one another. Teach us with wisdom how we may grow into Your beloved community and share the good news in all we do and speak. In our Great Teacher’s name, Jesus Christ, we pray. Amen.

Blessing/Assurance (from Deuteronomy 30:16)
“If you obey the commandments of the LORD your God that I am commanding you today, by loving the LORD your God, walking in God’s ways, and observing God’s commandments, decrees, and ordinances, then you shall live and become numerous, and the LORD your God will bless you.” We know that all we must do is turn back to God. Repent, and know the fullness of God’s love is with you, now and always. Love, and you will know God’s love. Forgive, and you will know God’s forgiveness in your heart. Share the Good News in all you do, and it shall go well with you. Go in peace and serve our Christ. Amen.

In this time between seasonal markings, in the time when our daylight is shifting again, O God, may we remember that Your steadfast love endures forever. When sometimes our lives can become monotonous, when the daily schedules repeat, or when difficulties such as Covid and other severe illness continue to interrupt our lives in a way that seems never ending, when hardships fall one after another—may You surprise us, like a mustard seed. May Your scripture open to us a new understanding. May the kindness and compassion of a neighbor or stranger remind us of Your goodness. May some small piece of good news break open our hearts when we despair. May we find You in the little things, and may we know that we will get through this time, though it is difficult now. May we trust in You. May we also be reminded, O God who listens and takes notice, to reach out to others when we are struggling. May we be reminded of the pastors, teachers, parents, social workers, mental health professionals, and others who are here for us. May we know that we are never truly alone, and You will help guide us. Help us to seek You, and to seek one another, especially in times of need. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

Worship Resources for February 5th, 2023—Fifth Sunday after the Epiphany

Revised Common Lectionary: Isaiah 58:1-9a (9b-12); Psalm 112:1-9 (10); 1 Corinthians 2:1-12 (13-16); Matthew 5:13-20

Narrative Lectionary: The Golden Rule, Matthew 7:1-14, 24-29 (Psalm 37:16-18)

The people had returned from exile in Babylon, but God was not pleased that they had also returned to their old ways. In Isaiah 58:1-9a, God, through the prophet, calls out the people’s hypocrisy. They continue to seek God as if they have done nothing wrong, as if they have always remained close to God. They are going through the motions of fasting and praying, but their actions continue to show violence and oppression. Their fasting and practices of humility don’t mean anything when they are still oppressing one another. Instead, God calls for a different kind of fast, one in which food is shared with those in need, the bonds of oppression are broken and released. When the people practice that kind of fast and call out to God, God will respond. In 9b-12, God further instructs that if they cease their wicked ways of blaming and shaming and instead feed the hungry and meet the needs of those around them, God will provide for them and they will have an abundance, like a freshly watered garden. They will rebuild the ancient ruins, and they will be known for their work of reparation and restoration.

Psalm 112:1-9 is a song of blessing for those who are faithful to God’s ways. They will always have an abundance to share out of generosity and their future generations will know their blessings. They fear no evil and stay firm in God’s ways. The faithful are secure in God, and their righteousness endures forever, for they act with justice and give freely to those in need. Verse 10 shows that those who are angry and desire the things that others have are wicked, and will “gnash their teeth.” In other words, they will know the pang of loss because they can only perceive what they do not have.

The Epistle reading continues its series in 1 Corinthians, moving to chapter two. In verses 1-12, Paul shares how when he first came to the church in Corinth, he came out of humility. It was the Spirit that convinced them of Christ, not his own words—he only came to make known Jesus Christ, and that he was crucified. Faith must not rely on human wisdom, but on the power of God. It is the Spirit of God that makes God known, not their own words, for it is the Spirit that reveals. Verses 13-16 explain that those who do not have the Spirit do not understand the spiritual gifts of God. Those who are spiritual have the mind of Christ, and are the ones instructed to teach others. Paul’s main argument is that the Corinthians are still arguing over who is greatest using the wisdom and understanding of the world, instead of seeking the mind of Christ to discern the gifts of God.

The Gospel lesson continues the Sermon on the Mount, which was part of the Narrative Lectionary selection on January 22nd. Jesus continues to teach the disciples and the crowds. Be the salt of the earth—be foundational, needed to others. Be the light of the world so that all people can see what God is doing in your life. Jesus concludes this section by sharing that he didn’t come to abolish the law, but to fulfill it. They are to keep and hold the commandments, all of the teachings of the Torah and prophets before them—in essence, the entire Bible that they knew. They needed to be even greater in righteousness than their current teachers. Striving for the reign of God, to live rightly before God, is a way of life.

The Narrative Lectionary concludes Jesus’s teachings from the Sermon on the Mount in Matthew 7:1-14, 24-29. Verses 1-5 teach that we ought not to judge one another, because we judge others much more harshly than we judge ourselves, and our own ways of judging others clouds our perception. Verse 6 reminds the listeners that what God has given them is holy, and to direct their lives to God rather than throwing it away on things of this world. Verses 7-12 teach that we are to seek God first and foremost, and God will provide for us. We must treat others the way we would want to be treated (the Golden Rule), for this is what all of Scripture teaches. And in verses 13-14, stick to the path of God, the way of Christ, because so many are led astray through the gates of wealth and power and notoriety—even if they never gain those things. But the way of Christ leads into eternity with God, something we all can gain. In verses 24-29, Jesus concludes his sermon with a reminder to build their lives on the solid foundation of God and God’s ways, and not the ways of this world. The crowds were amazed because Jesus taught them as one with authority. He didn’t question or argue, he said, “This is the way.”

The supplementary verses of Psalm 37:16-18 speaks of the wisdom of pursuing righteousness over wealth, for God is with the righteous, and their faithfulness will endure forever. The ones that pursue worldly measures of success may find wealth, but also brokenness.

What does it mean to live in righteousness? We often think of this word as right-living: doing the right thing. Following God’s commandments. Seeking God in all we say and do. But the word righteousness comes from the Hebrew concept of tzedakah, actions that come out of compassionate kindness. Following the commandments is about our love for God and one another, not a ticket into heaven. It is about a change of heart and lives, not a formula for success. Too often, like the church in Corinth, we are caught up in the world’s wisdom, which is foolishness. It seeks personal gain: power, wealth, and notoriety. The foolishness of the world makes us want to be better than others, to have more than others, to fear what we do not have. But the wisdom of God has us put on the mind of Christ. To seek God in all we say and do. To love one another. To care for the needs of those around us. To work for justice and end oppression. The paths of this world are many, but the gates are often unreachable except for a few, and even then, what have they gained but all the wealth and power of the world through oppression and violence against others. The path of Chris is narrow and difficult, but it is the one we are called to pursue: the path of love.

Call to Worship
The world we made cries out, “Invest! Spend! Save yourself!”
The way of God teaches us to love, care, and serve.
The world we made shouts, “Protect! Secure! Close off!”
The way of God teaches us to share, lend, and provide.
The world we made threatens, “Be afraid! Be jealous! Want more!”
The way of God teaches us to be in awe, to have compassion, to be selfless.
The world we made lies to us about what is most important,
But God requires us to do justice, love mercy, and live in humbleness.
May we turn away from the distractions of the world we made;
May we listen to God, who calls us to care for the earth, to love one another,
And serve Jesus Christ our Lord.

Prayer of Brokenness/Confession
Voice over the Deep, You spoke, and there was light. You spoke, and there was water. You spoke, and there was earth. You spoke, and we, and all of creation, were made. We confess the voices of this world we made tempt us away, sometimes unconsciously, until we suddenly wake up and realize we have followed the voice of fear, the temptation of wealth, and the pursuit of power. Call us back tenderly, O Loving God. Lead us in Your paths, O Holy Spirit. Guide us, O Faithful One, through the Way, and the Truth, and the Life, of Your Loving Son, Jesus Christ. Amen.

God’s steadfast love endures forever, and the same voice over the waters of creation calls to us throughout eternity. There is no place where we can be hidden, no depth where we cannot be drawn out of, no shadows or bleakness where light cannot shine. God loves you so much, and desires for you to have an abundant life, a life that helps others. May we live into Christ’s ways and work to end oppression and injustice, so all may be loved by one another, and know God’s love in this world. Go with this wisdom and insight that God loves you, and loves us all. Amen.

Spirit of Life, guide us into practices that draw us closer to You, rather than the ways of this world. Teach us how to pray. Teach us how to seek You. Lead us into the ways of justice and mercy. Call us into times of reflection and speak to us in the ways that help us follow You. May we not spend only one hour a week, but every moment, every breath, in gratitude for You, our Maker, Redeemer, and Sustainer. Guide us on this journey of faith and life. Amen.

Worship Resources for January 29th, 2022—Fourth Sunday after the Epiphany

Revised Common Lectionary: Micah 6:1-8; Psalm 15; 1 Corinthians 1:18-31; Matthew 5:1-12

Narrative Lectionary: Treasure in Heaven, Matthew 6:7-21 (25-34) (Psalm 20:7)

The prophet Micah spoke to a people who had gone astray from God’s ways. The prophet lays out the lawsuit before the mountains, before creation in 6:1-5. God brought the people out of Egypt, out of oppression, led by God’s faithful leaders: the siblings Moses, Aaron, and Miriam. God brought the people through the wilderness and rescued them from the king of Moab, delivering the people into the land promised them. The people are called upon to remember what God has done for them. In verses 6-8, there is a response to the charges—though there are all manners of ways that the people could give offerings and sacrifices, when would it end? When would the people have done enough? God has shown the people what is good: what God requires is justice, compassionate love, and humility in relationship with God.

Psalm 15 asks the question of who may enter God’s holy presence. Used as part of the liturgy before entering the temple, the psalmist’s question causes those who would enter to pause and reflect on their own behavior. Are they faithful to God’s ways, to all God has taught and commanded? If so, these are the ones who do right, who are truthful and pure in heart. They will not stumble in their journey with God.

The Epistle reading continues in the first chapter of 1 Corinthians, repeating verse 18 from last week on the theme of wisdom verses foolishness. Paul argues in 1:18-31 that proclaiming Christ crucified is a stumbling block for those who demanded signs, because God is not supposed to die. For those who relied on philosophical insight, the cross is foolish, because once you’re dead, there is no coming back. Christ dying on the cross is not the sign of a strong god or a wise god; it appears foolish and weak. But to those who know Christ, this is the sign: Christ laid down his life for us and lives again. This is not the wisdom or power of the world, but God’s wisdom and power of resurrection. Christ became one of us and died as one of us so that no one may boast, for no one else can do this. Most of the followers of Jesus, especially in Corinth, had no power, few were educated or had any status in society. Yet they were the faithful ones, because they believed. Instead of rationalizing and looking for signs, they simply believed. This is foolishness to the world, but it is the saving power of Christ.

The Gospel lesson contains Jesus’s Sermon on the Mount (this was a portion of last week’s Narrative Lectionary reading). After the crowds began to follow him in his ministry in Galilee, they gathered and followed him from several other places, including Jerusalem and beyond the Jordan. They gathered with Jesus on top of a mountain, where he sat down (like rabbis did in those days) and taught them. Jesus shared blessings in verses 3-11 to those who usually did not receive good news: the poor in spirit (Luke just uses poor), those who are grieving, those who are powerless, those who strive for righteousness and justice, those who are kind and compassionate, the peacemakers, those who are persecuted. Jesus concludes this section with a blessing for those who experience gossip and slander and persecution against them because they follow Jesus. Their reward, as for all those who has listed, will be great in God’s reign, and their experience is the same as the prophets who came before them.

The Narrative Lectionary continues Jesus’s teachings beyond the Beatitudes in 6:17-21. Jesus teaches the disciples to not pray as they have seen others (sometimes Jesus compares the Pharisees or lawyers of other groups; this time he chose to compare the Gentiles). Instead of flashy, showy prayers, one ought to pray simply to God for God’s reign to come on earth, for their daily needs to be met, for forgiveness, and strength to avoid temptation. Jesus further instructs the disciples on fasting, that they not be hypocritical, because fasting is supposed to be an inward practice, not an outward call for pity. Jesus concludes this section with a teaching about storing up treasure in heaven—not worldly possessions on earth but aligning one’s life with what God desires for us.

An alternative, or additional reading for the Narrative Lectionary continues in verses 25-34. Jesus teaches the disciples not to worry about the day-to-day needs. God provides for the earth, God will surely provide for us if we strive for God’s reign on earth as it is in heaven. When we work to fulfill the needs of others, our own needs are met. When we care for the earth, the earth provides for us. If we worry about taking care of ourselves first before others, we will never be satisfied.

The supplementary verse is Psalm 20:7, about taking pride in God and not in the powers and wealth of the world.

How do we live our lives in faithfulness to Christ? Are we living for worldly measures of success, of power, wealth, and notoriety? Someone posted recently on Facebook the concept that we have to give up being the hero. For white Americans, many of us were raised with the idea we could do and be anything, and if we don’t do it all or have it all, we aren’t as good as we could be. The privilege we are born into, even if we are unaware of it, or even if we experience hardships such as economic inequality—our privilege still often leads us to believe we have to have it all or that we have failed. We have to be the hero who pulled themselves up by their bootstraps, or we have failed. Jesus teaches the exact opposite—blessed are the poor, blessed are the meek, blessed are the powerless and the merciful and the ones who strive for justice even if they never receive it on earth, for theirs is the reign of God. Jesus taught us to become last of all and servant of all. Paul teaches that the world sees the cross as foolishness, and the ways of success in this world are foolish to God. Turn to Christ, who is our Savior, and give up your own need to be the hero of your story. Lay down your desires and perceived need to have it all. Instead, care for the needs of others, care for the earth, and God will care for all of us.

Call to Worship
Blessed are the ones who fall short,
For God is the one who lifts us up.
Blessed are the ones who are distressed,
For God is with us, waiting patiently.
Blessed are the ones who dragged themselves out of bed,
For God is with us in our lying down and our rising up.
Blessed are the tired, the broken-hearted, the distraught,
For God knows us to our bones, knows our very needs.
Blessed are you who have joined in worship,
For God is with you, right now.
Wherever you are, online or in-person,
Blessed are you, because You are God’s beloved child.

Prayer of Brokenness/Confession
We come to this time of confession, O God, knowing that our hearts are fractured. Each of us has experienced brokenness: broken hearts, broken relationships, broken dreams, broken cars, broke wallets, broken toys, broken bones. It may be a small piece, a brokenness we carry but move on with. It may be such a break that our lives have never been the same. You are the Great Physician. You do not erase our breaks and wounds, but bring healing, which can be painful in the process. We are healed by You when we mend one another. Remind us to reach out to one another, through texts and calls and old-fashioned technology such as greeting cards and notes, for this is mending. Guide us in prayer for one another, for this is healing work. Keep us in the practice of making casseroles and filling coffee pots and the deep art of listening to one another. This is all part of Your healing work in our lives, for You guide us in Your mending. May we mend one another, and know Your love is repairing and restoring us as You intended us to be. Amen.

Assurance/Blessing (adapted from the hymn “He Giveth More Grace” by Annie Johnson Flint)
God’s love has no limits, God’s grace has no measure,
God’s power has no boundary; there is no end.
For out of God’s infinite riches in Jesus
We are given, and given, and given again.
There is no limit to God’s love and forgiveness for you. Turn back to God and live into God’s ways, and believe that you are God’s beloved child through Jesus Christ. Go forth and live into God’s grace into this world, and share that grace, love, healing, and forgiveness with one another. Amen.

Creator of the Universe, it is unimaginable how much You love us. On this one planet out of thousands, perhaps millions of bodies You created in the universe, You love us. You created us in Your image, and then came to us as one of us, living as one of us, and dying as one of us. We cannot comprehend this, O God. Of all the mysteries of the universe, the galaxies and star clusters and elements we have not imagined yet, You love us, to the point of knowing the hairs on our heads. We are fearfully and wonderfully made. Remind us in every breath, in every taste, with every sound and sight and smallest speck of dust, we are wonderful to You, and You are amazing and wonderful to us. You are God, and we know You. A God of many names, with one Son, Jesus Christ, in whose name we pray and have new life. Amen.

Worship Resources for January 22nd, 2023—Third Sunday after the Epiphany

Revised Common Lectionary: Isaiah 9:1-4; Psalm 27:1, 4-9; 1 Corinthians 1:10-18; Matthew 4:12-23

Narrative Lectionary: Beatitudes, Matthew 5:1-20 (Psalm 1:1-3)

The Revised Common Lectionary begins with a portion of a passage sometimes read in Advent, last part of the RCL as one of the selections for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. In Isaiah 9:1-4, Zebulun and Naphtali refer to the historic lands of those two tribes, first annexed by the kingdom of Aram, and then into Assyria when the northern kingdom of Israel was taken into exile. However, there is hope for them—a new king has been born in Jerusalem, to Judah in the south. The king Hezekiah was a symbol of hope for all the people, that God would break the yoke of oppression and bring liberty, especially to those in exile.

Psalm 27:1, 4-9 is a prayer of help that begins with the assurance of God’s faithfulness. The psalmist has one request of God—to dwell in God’s temple, to be in the presence of God their whole life. The psalmist is confident that God will keep them safe. As they face their enemies in the present, they will continue to offer sacrifices of thanksgiving and offer praise to God; however, they also continually plead for God’s presence to be made known to them, urging God to not forget them and to save them.

The Epistle reading continues its series in 1 Corinthians with 1:10-18. In last week’s portion of the introduction, Paul gave his usual salutations and hinted at what he would be addressing in his letter. In these verses, Paul addresses the major problem: there are arguments and divisions in the church. Different members are claiming to be followers of different teachers, including Paul, and equating Jesus with one of their teachers. Paul states that they were baptized in the name of Christ, not Paul, and baptized into a united church, not divided. Christ sent Paul not to baptize but to proclaim the gospel, and it is the cross that is the symbol of Christ’s salvation. Baptism is the entry point, but the cross is the symbol of God’s salvation—foolish to those outside the faith or who have followed others, but it is the message of God’s power.

The Gospel lesson focuses on the beginning of Jesus’s ministry in Matthew. The Revised Common Lectionary skips from Jesus’s baptism to the call of the first disciples, saving the time Jesus spent in the wilderness and his temptations for the season of Lent. In Matthew 4:12-23, Jesus began his ministry in Galilee, and the writer of Matthew links the ministry of Jesus with the passage of Isaiah 9. Jesus began his ministry with the sermon, “Repent, for the reign of God has drawn near;” repentance and good news. Jesus then called his first disciples, two sets of brothers who were fisherman, leaving their nets to follow him, including James and John who left their father Zebedee behind in the boat. With these first disciples, Jesus traveled throughout Galilee, teaching, announcing the good news of the reign of God, healing sickness and disease. People came to him with their various illnesses and those who were possessed by demons, and the crowds began to follow him.

The Narrative Lectionary turns to the Beatitudes in Matthew 5:1-20 (this will be the reading for the next two weeks in the Revised Common Lectionary as well). After the crowds began to follow him in his ministry in Galilee, they gathered and followed him from several other places, including Jerusalem and beyond the Jordan. They gathered with Jesus on top of a mountain, where he sat down (like rabbis did in those days) and taught them. Jesus shared blessings in verses 3-11 to those who usually did not receive good news: the poor in spirit (Luke just uses poor), those who are grieving, those who are powerless, those who strive for righteousness and justice, those who are kind and compassionate, the peacemakers, those who are persecuted. Jesus concludes this section with a blessing for those who experience gossip and slander and persecution against them because they follow Jesus. Their reward, as for all those who has listed, will be great in God’s reign, and their experience is the same as the prophets who came before them. Jesus continues to teach in verses 13-20. Be the salt of the earth—be foundational, needed to others. Be the light of the world so that all people can see what God is doing in your life. Jesus concludes this section by sharing that he didn’t come to abolish the law, but to fulfill it. They are to keep and hold the commandments, all of the teachings of the Torah and prophets before them—in essence, the entire Bible that they knew. They needed to be even greater in righteousness than their current teachers. Striving for the reign of God, to live rightly before God, is a way of life.

The supplemental verses are Psalm 1:1-3. The psalmist, in the very first psalm of our collection, begins with a blessing for the ones who love God’s instructions and meditate on God’s commandments. They don’t follow the ways of the wicked or the advice of those who are out there for their own gain. Instead, the wise are those who are rooted in God’s ways, like trees planted by streams of water, who bear fruit, and their leaves are full and vibrant.

The Beginning of the Good News. Where it all started—sharing the Gospel message of “Repent, for the reign of God, the beloved community of God, is at hand! It is here!” We must turn back to God, and we must share the goodness of God with one another. The first disciples heard this message and were compelled to leave their daily lives behind to follow Jesus. Others were compelled because of the Good News that was being lived and experienced: the healings, the inclusion of those who normally would have been cast out, the saving of lives. They began to gather together. Jesus shared good news for the downtrodden and broken-hearted, the oppressed and marginalized, and the people experienced it themselves. I think it’s much easier to preach good news than it is to live it. What would it mean to begin with caring for one another, for the well-being of each other, to bring in those who are normally left out, and to tell them that they belong to God’s beloved community? That they are loved and valued? The healing would be present. The message of repentance would be lived, for people would be turning back to God in their receiving of the invitation. Far too often, we have preached this message while people are suffering right outside our very doors. We have preached it as if someone has to change first. Someone has to do something to earn the right. Instead, Jesus preached the good news right to the people and they wanted to be part of it. The Good News is happening all around us, but is it happening inside the walls of our local churches? Sometimes. What would it take for us to drop our nets, to drop our defenses, to drop our excuses, and follow Jesus. I’m sure some, like Zebedee, would be shocked, but it may be what we need to do.

Call to Worship (can also be used as a regular leader/people litany)
(Right side of the congregation: turn to face the other side): Turn, for the reign of God is at hand!
(Left side: turn to face the others): Turn, and belong to the body of Christ.
(Right side: motion the other side to follow): Come, follow Jesus, and learn God’s ways together.
(Left side: hold hands outward, palms up, in a sign of welcome): We will follow Jesus with you.
(Right side: hold hands over your heart): The kin-dom of God is at hand!
(Left side: wave to the right): We see you and hear you and know you, the body of Christ!
(ALL: clasp your own hands together): We are part of the body of Christ, together.

Prayer of Brokenness/Confession
Everlasting God, we confess our tiredness, our sense of overwhelm, the feeling of being burned out. We confess that this leads us to turn inward and care for ourselves first, while our neighbors in need still cry out. Help us, O God, to find ways of letting go of the worldly ways of our daily life that cause us to be sluggish and invigorate us to care for the most vulnerable. Remind us, O God, of the example of Christ who took time to pray and rest, but went on to feed and heal and proclaim Your Good News. Renew our spirits, O God, to let go of what drags us down in the world we have created, the world of empire, and instead live into Your reign on earth as it is in heaven, the beloved community of Christ Jesus our Lord, in which we are one body of many parts, but all in need of one another. Amen.

Blessing/Assurance (from Philippians 4:7, 9)
May the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. Keep on doing the things that you have learned and received and heard and seen in me, and the God of peace will be with you. Know Christ’s peace is with you, beloved ones of God, and share Christ’s peace with one another and the world in your love and care. Amen.

This is the season, Ancient of Days, in which time can seem to drag on. The holidays are complete, spring is still far off. After an autumn and early winter of preparations and holidays and new beginnings, we are now in that lax time. Protect us, O God, for those of us in winter’s throes, in still dark evenings and mornings missing daylight. Keep our hearts and minds healthy, O God, and help us to seek help when despair overtakes us. May the spirit of Advent, of active watching and waiting, be with us in this season after Epiphany, and in all times when we are waiting for something to come. May we be actively seeking to reveal You to the world, and take notice when You are revealed to us. In You we have all our hope, and we pray in Your name. Amen.

Worship Resources for January 15, 2023—Second Sunday after the Epiphany

Revised Common Lectionary: Isaiah 49:1-7; Psalm 40:1-11; 1 Corinthians 1:1-9; John 1:29-42

Narrative Lectionary: Tempted in the Wilderness, Matthew 4:1-17 (Psalm 91:9-12)

For the second week in a row, the Revised Common Lectionary begins with one of the Suffering Servant songs of Isaiah. In 49:1-7, once again God declares that the people of Israel, personified as the Suffering Servant, are to be a light to all nations. Through God’s people, God’s faithfulness is made known, and though other nations have despised God, their leaders shall prostrate themselves and worship because of what God has done for Israel. God has known the people from before they were a nation, before they came to be. Though the servant did not want to follow God’s call, they now serve God fully, calling even their own people back to worship.

Psalm 40:1-11 is a song of praise to God for God’s faithfulness. The psalmist sings of their trust and hope in God, who has delivered them in the past and will faithfully deliver them from danger again. The psalmist sings to others, with the hope that those who hear and see will also proclaim their faithfulness and trust in God. In verses 5-11, the psalmist shares their own personal praise to God who has done so much for them, and they desire to do God’s will and to declare God’s love and faithfulness to all who will hear.

The Epistle readings begin a series in 1 Corinthians for this season after Epiphany, with the introduction in verses 1-9. Paul addresses the church in Corinth along with Sosthenes (who may have written the letter for Paul) and begins much like other Pauline letters, with grace and thanksgiving to Jesus Christ, bringing grace and peace to the ones he is addressing. Paul speaks of how the Corinthians have been enriched by the knowledge of Jesus Christ in their lives and the testimony of Christ, so that they are not lacking in any spiritual gift—a foreshadowing of what much of Paul’s letter will be about. Paul also blesses them by asking Christ’s strength to be with them so they may be “blameless” before Christ—another foreshadowing that Paul is going to levy some heavy accusations against the church for its behavior. It is by God’s faithfulness that they were called into fellowship of God’s Son, Jesus Christ—a fellowship that is fracturing as Paul writes to them. Though Paul has a lot to be angry about with this congregation, he still begins with grace and peace, knowing that Christ is present with them.

The Gospel lesson turns to John 1:29-42, John’s account of John the Baptist. In the Gospel According to John, Jesus’s baptism is not told from a third person point of view, but rather John the Baptizer tells his own experience of baptizing Jesus, the one he calls “the lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world.” In John’s account, John the Baptizer didn’t know who Jesus was until the moment the Holy Spirit tells him, and the Spirit descends on Jesus like a dove. John’s own disciples turn to follow Jesus, and one of them was Andrew, who then told his brother, Simon, that they had found the Messiah. Jesus looked at Simon and told him he would be called Peter, a name meaning “rock.”

The Narrative Lectionary turns to Matthew’s account of Jesus’s temptation in the wilderness in 4:1-17 and the beginning of his ministry in Galilee.. While told in all three synoptic gospels, Mark does not contain any details of the temptations. Luke and Matthew share very similar accounts, but the last two temptations are reversed. In Matthew’s account, the last temptation is that Jesus could have all the kingdoms of the world and their glory, if he would bow down and worship the devil. Jesus, having quoted Scripture each time, tells Satan to go away, quoting Deuteronomy 6:13, that one should worship the Lord their God, and serve only God. At this point, the devil leaves, and angels take care of Jesus in the wilderness. God cares for us and provides for us—the world’s ways of power and wealth and privilege are idols, tempting us away from God. When Jesus returns from the wilderness, he learns that John the Baptizer has been imprisoned. Jesus went to Galilee to proclaim his first sermon: Repent, for the reign of God has come near. The writer of Matthew links this to the good news the prophet Isaiah proclaimed in Isaiah 9:1-2, a passage often viewed as a messianic prophecy. However, in First Isaiah’s time, around 750 years prior to Jesus, this was good news of a new king born in Judah who would bring hope to the northern tribes captured by Assyria.

The supplementary verses are Psalm 91:9-12, which Satan quotes in the second temptation of Jesus in Matthew 4:5-6. The context of Psalm 91 is about trusting in God who will protect and deliver the faithful. A good lesson about not taking scripture out of context. Jesus knows the psalm and that it is about trusting in God, not putting God to the test.

Both the Revised Common Lectionary and Narrative Lectionary focus on the beginning of Jesus’s ministry following his baptism. Jesus is prepared and ready to call the first disciples. Jesus is prepared to proclaim that the reign of God is near, for people to repent and believe in the Good News. As we settle into this new year, what is God preparing us for? Are you prepared to listen to God’s voice, God’s call on your life? Are you prepared to be surprised, and perhaps like Andrew and Simon, to do something new and different than what you expected? Like John the Baptizer, are you ready for what the Holy Spirit might do in your life? Like the people of Galilee, are you ready to hear the Gospel?

Call to Worship (from John 1:14, 18)
The Word became Flesh and lived among us,
And we have experienced the glory of God.
The glory of God’s only Son,
Full of grace and truth.
For it is through the Christ, close to the Creator’s heart,
Who has made God known to us.
We worship God, in whose image we are made,
And who has been made known to us through Jesus Christ.

Prayer of Brokenness/Confession)
Almighty Creator, we confess that we like predictability, regularity, and routine. At times, we struggle with new insights, ideas, even hopes that things could be different. We are challenged to believe the reign of God is at hand, right now. We are timid when Your bold declaration of the Gospel challenges us to repent and believe. Grant us courage, and give us strength, to follow where You are leading us, by the Holy Spirit. Guide us into Your ways of love, justice, and mercy, to become living hope for those we encounter, to dare to believe that You love each one of us as we are and that we can become who You intended us to be, all of us, the children of God. We pray that things will be shaken up and that we can roll with the transformation You intend for us. Amen.
Blessing/Assurance (from Lamentations 3:21-23)
“But this I call to mind, and therefore, I have hope. The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; God’s mercies never come to an end. They are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness.” While everything else is constantly in flux, changing at a rapid pace, God’s steadfast love endures forever. God loves you more than you can possibly imagine or comprehend. Fill yourself with that knowledge and go out and love one another. It’s as simple as that, to begin to change the world: love one another. Amen.

In the deepness of winter, O God, remind us that the bleakness will not hold. Spring is not a myth or false hope, but it is the endurance of faith, year after year, that deep in the frozen ground seeds will soon flourish, bulbs are ready to produce. In the high days of summer, O God, remind us to cherish each moment of warmth in the beauty of Your creation. We know that the constant of our tilted planet is for seasons to always change, to always bring us something new, whether challenges or blessings, hopes or trials. You are with us, Your love enduring with us, and You will see us through. In the name of Christ we pray. Amen.

Worship Resources for January 8th, 2023—Baptism of the Lord

Resources for Epiphany (January 6th) can be found in last week’s resources.

Revised Common Lectionary: Isaiah 42:1-9; Psalm 29; Acts 10:34-43; Matthew 3:13-17

Narrative Lectionary: Jesus’s Baptism, Matthew 3:1-17 (Psalm 2:7-8)

Isaiah 42:1-9 is one of the Suffering Servant songs of Second Isaiah, in which the people of Israel are personified as God’s servant who have suffered on behalf of all people. Through the people, God will bring forth justice to all nations, and all nations will see what God has done for them. God is the creator of the whole earth, but the people of Israel are the ones God has chosen to show the world, to be a light to the nations. What God promised in the past has come to be, and what God is doing now, God will tell Israel before it even happens. God is faithful and just to the people.

Psalm 29 is a call to worship, calling the heavenly beings and all of creation to worship God and to be amazed by God’s holiness and splendor. The psalmist uses the forces of creation—water, wind, fire and earth—to show God’s power and might and how God reigns over creation. When we are in the awesome power of our God, we tremble in awe, calling out, “Glory!” Nonetheless, God reigns forever, and grants peace to God’s people.

Acts 10:34-43 takes place after Peter beheld a vision in which God commanded him to eat foods that Peter had previously known as unclean. In the vision, God told him not to call profane what God had made clean. Meanwhile, Cornelius, a Roman Centurion, had been told to go see Peter, for he believed in Jesus. In these verses, Peter has made the connection with his vision and the visit of Cornelius that God’s good news is for all people, that God shows no partiality. Christ has come for everyone, from every nation. While Christ was raised and this was witnessed by those who were faithful, they were also commanded to share the good news and to testify about him.

The first twelve verses of Matthew 3 were the reading for the second Sunday of Advent, and we circle back on this Sunday as we observe the Baptism of the Lord. Matthew’s account is the only one in which John questions if he should baptize Jesus, because doesn’t he himself need to be baptized by Jesus? Jesus tells John he needs to do so, to fulfill all righteousness, and then John consented. Jesus, born as a human, also needs to enter the water and muck of human life. The Jordan River was where the people washed their clothes and bathed and cleaned their dishes. It was where the people gathered to care for the mundane, dirty part of their life, and here Christ comes to meet the people. Not to have power over, but to become one with us. John agrees that this should be so, and as Jesus is baptized, the Spirit of God descends like a dove, a voice sharing God is pleased by this. This act of righteousness is an act of trust in God, by both John and Jesus, and trusting one another. Jesus is placing his very body into John’s hands in an act of mutual trust and consent, showing that God is relating to us in a new, different way than we have understood before. (You can find more thoughts on this act of consent in Judson Bible Lessons Journeys for Winter 2022-2023 from Judson Press).

The Narrative Lectionary also focuses on the Baptism of Jesus in Matthew but includes the prior verses. The writers of all four Gospel accounts link John the Baptist to Second Isaiah, where in 40:3 the prophet declares that a voice cries out from the wilderness. Second Isaiah was writing of the time when the people returned from exile in Babylon, around 520 B.C.E. However, the Gospel writers identify this as John centuries later, who came from the wilderness, proclaiming a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins. Some scholars believe John may have been part of the Essenes, a group of Jews who gathered near the Dead Sea and prepared for the Day of the Lord to come. They had similar practices of not eating meat, and the Jewish practice of the mikveh, a ritual cleansing in water immersion, was practiced more rigorously by the Essenes. John came from the wilderness and proclaimed this baptism, and people from all along the Jordan came to him. However, when some of the Sadducees and Pharisees, two other different Jewish groups, came to be baptized, John warned them not to rely on their identity or ancestry, but that they must go through the inner transformation, to bear fruit worthy of repentance. John declared that one was coming after him who was more powerful, one whose axe lay at the foot of the tree and whose winnowing fork was on the threshing floor. The one coming after John would work on them and they might not like it, for anything bad would be cut off, anything chaff would be torn from the wheat and would be burned. In other words, the one coming after John was coming to purify and cleanse. The masks any of us wear for the world, the things we hide behind—our religious identity, our lineage, wealth, power—whatever it is, it will not hold up to the truth of God—it will be torn away. We can’t hide who we are from God. Too often we want to hide our faults and shortcomings. But if we allow God to work in us, God can help us bear good fruit.

Psalm 2:7-8 is part of a psalm praising God and warning against other nations who plot against Israel that they are plotting against God. In verses 7-8, the psalmist declares a vision in which God, in appointing the king, uses the phrase “begotten son” to show God’s favor and divine appointment.

As we have entered this season after Epiphany, we read the Gospel accounts that reveal who Christ is to the world. At Christ’s baptism, Christ is made known to us in the act of his baptism, of his consenting to be as human as any of us, not exploiting the power of God but emptying himself in humility (Philippians 2:5-11). Throughout this season we will read of Jesus’s teachings, the call of the first disciples and Jesus’s first sermons, but it is in this act that Jesus grounds himself in our humanity, going down into the river with all of us.

Call to Worship (from Isaiah 42:9)
See, the former things have come to pass,
And new things God now declares;
Before they spring forth,
God speaks to us, now.
This is the Good News:
Jesus joins us in the tumultuous waters of our lives.
You are God’s beloved children.
May we worship and love our Lord Jesus Christ.

Prayer of Brokenness/Confession
Living Water, we know that You have entered our humanity by joining us in the waters of baptism, yet we deny humanity to others. We have our fill while others lack food and clean water and shelter. We draw boundaries on maps and determine who receives aid while others go without. We make arbitrary divisions based on race and gender and dehumanize those who do not fit our image, instead of looking to Your image. Call us into Your ways, O God, to remember that we are made by You, and that You call us into the waters of birth and rebirth, to remember our common humanity and that we are Your beloved children. May we remember, may we repair and restore what we have broken, and work to live into Your ways, O Christ, our Living Water. Amen.

Blessing/Assurance (from Acts 10:34-35)
The Apostle Peter once said, “I truly understand that God shows no partiality, but in every nation anyone who fears God and does what is right is acceptable to God.” God loves us all and calls us to erase the divisions we have created to proclaim the good news to everyone, but more importantly, to live into it. Go forth sharing in the work of reparation and restoration, knowing that God loves you and calls you Beloved. Amen.

Spirit of Life, as we enter this new year, we give You thanks for all the ways You have remained faithful to us. Guide us into this new year to live into Your intention for our lives. Keep us from the ways of this world that tempt us to put our desires above the needs of others, and lead us into the way of Your love and care for our earth and each other. May we remember that before the whole year springs forth, You whisper us the promise of new life now. You give us hope in every moment, whether we hold our resolutions or not, because You call us Your beloved children. We know we belong to You; we are Yours, now and forever. Amen.

Worship Resources for January 1, 2023—First Sunday of Christmas, Holy Name of Jesus, and New Year’s Day

Some churches may choose to observe Epiphany (January 6th) either this Sunday or next Sunday.

Revised Common Lectionary
Second Sunday of Christmas: Isaiah 63:7-9; Psalm 148; Hebrews 2:10-18; Matthew 2:13-23

Holy Name of Jesus: Numbers 6:22-27; Psalm 8; Galatians 4:4-7 or Philippians 2:5-11; Luke 2:15-21

New Year’s Day: Ecclesiastes 3:1-13; Psalm 8; Revelation 21:1-6a; Matthew 25:31-46

Epiphany: Isaiah 60:1-6; Psalm 72:1-7, 10-14; Ephesians 3:1-12; Matthew 2:1-12

Narrative Lectionary: The Genealogy of Jesus, Matthew 1:1-17 (Psalm 132:11-12)

For the Second Sunday of Christmas, we begin with a short reading from Third Isaiah, in which the prophet praises God and recalls all that God has done for the people. It was God alone who was their savior, who claimed the people as God’s own. God didn’t send a prophet, or a messenger, or an angel to do this—it was God who redeemed them.

Psalm 148 is a call to worship and praise for God. The psalmist calls all of creation into this act of praise and worship—all the heavens, the stars and moon, but also all heavenly creatures such as angels, and the “dome above the waters” (from the ancient creation stories). The psalmist then turns to the depths of the waters, calling forth the sea monsters to praise God, and all elements of fire, wind, water and earth. The singer turns to all plants and animals on the earth, before turning to the rulers of the nations. Lastly, crowning the list, are the regular people, young and old, all genders, coming together to praise God, for God alone is to be glorified, and the faithful know this.

The letter of Hebrews explains that Christ came not to help the heavenly creatures, the angels, but Christ came in the flesh to help all flesh. In Hebrews 2:10-18, Christ shares in our death so that we might be free of the fear of death. Christ is the merciful and high priest, and also the sacrifice. Because Christ suffered, he is able to help the believers who suffer, for the knows all we have been through. Christ had to be fully human in order to be the savior of humanity.

The Gospel lesson of Matthew 2:13-23 takes place after the visit of the magi. Not long after the wise ones have left, Joseph has another dream, in which the angel tells him he needs to get up and take Mary and Jesus and escape to Egypt, for Herod was looking for the child to destroy him. Joseph, Mary, and Jesus fled to Egypt until Herod’s death. The writer of Matthew used passages from the Hebrew scriptures to prove Jesus was the prophesied Messiah. One such passage was Hosea 11:1, in which the prophet was referring to Israel’s past relationship with God, in that God led the people (personified as God’s child) out of their oppression in Egypt. Another was Jeremiah 31:15, in which Jeremiah uses Rachel, one of the matriarchs of Israel, to show that even their ancestors weep for what the people have been through as they were taken into exile. However, the following verse is God’s response to the people, that there is hope to be found. While it appears that the writer of Matthew took the verse out of context to show the devastation of Herod’s actions to the children of Judea, Matthew uses Jeremiah in a similar way to Jeremiah’s use of Rachel. Matthew is continuing a literary tradition, linking the past with the present in a new context. Nonetheless, we must not conclude that the new context is widely accepted by the community as a whole, nor negates the previous contexts. Once Herod was dead, Joseph again dreamed of an angel telling him to return, but this time, Joseph was afraid to return to Judea with another member of Herod’s family on the throne. Instead, he moves the family north to Nazareth, connecting Matthew’s Gospel accounts with other accounts that Jesus was from Nazareth. Once again, the writer of Matthew uses Hebrew scriptures, but either misunderstands the term Nazorean—a child set aside for God, like Samson and Samuel in the Hebrew Scriptures—or it was a deliberate play on words. In Matthew’s account, this ends the stories of Jesus’s childhood.

For Holy Name of Jesus, the readings begin with Numbers 6:22-27, the blessing of God through Moses to Aaron and the priests, and then to the people of Israel. This blessing was given before Moses entered the tent of dwelling, calling upon God to give the people peace.

Psalm 8 is a prayer praising God in awe and wonder of all God made. What are human beings in the vast universe, the expanse that God has created? Yet God made human beings a little lower than divine, and put the earth in our sacred trust, to care for every creature on earth. How amazing and wonderful is our God, the psalmist proclaims!

Galatians 4:4-7 is part of Paul’s argument to the leaders of the church in Galatia, who made the Greek Christians second-class citizens. Paul reminds them that Christ was born “under the law” as the other Jewish followers of Jesus were. Paul’s view is that all are made children of God, regardless of if they were born a Jew or a Greek because of Christ, not because they follow the law, and therefore the Greek believers should not be subjected to anything other than faith in Christ.

An alternative Epistle reading is Philippians 2:5-11, the ancient confession of the church that Paul shares to the Philippians: though Christ was in the form of God, he was born a human being. He did not abuse his power, but instead emptied himself, serving God through his humbleness in the fullness of humanity, dying on the cross. God raised him and exalted him, and gave him the name above every name, so that all may know and confess that Jesus Christ is Lord.

The Gospel lesson of Luke 2:15-21 contains the witness of the shepherds, proclaiming what they had heard and seen of the angels, and glorifying God in witness of the birth of the Savior. Mary treasured all their words, pondering them in her heart. After eight days, she and Joseph had Jesus circumcised, and he was given the name Jesus, as the angel Gabriel had told Mary to name him.

For New Year’s Day, the first reading is the ancient poem of seasons in Ecclesiastes 3:1-13, in which the Teacher (the narrator of Ecclesiastes) reminds us that there is a season for everything and a purpose under heaven. Verses 2-8 display an antithetical structure, in which each verse has two lines, and each line has a statement with its antithesis. Seven pairs show a perfectly balanced poem (seven being the number of days of the week, a holy number in scripture). We cannot control what happens in life, but verses 9-13 help us live into the balance of 2-8. There is nothing better than to find enjoyment in what we do and how we live now, because we cannot control anything else. Love God and love your neighbor and do your best. Better to make an intention for a good life than resolutions that will not last. (An expanded version of these thoughts are in Judson Bible Lessons Journeys for Winter 2022-2023 from Judson Press).

The Psalm reading for New Year’s Day is the same as for Holy Name of Jesus, Psalm 8, a prayer praising God in awe and wonder of all God made. What are human beings in the vast universe, the expanse that God has created? Yet God made human beings a little lower than divine, and put the earth in our sacred trust, to care for every creature on earth. How amazing and wonderful is our God, the psalmist proclaims!

The Epistle reading of Revelation 21:1-6a contains the vision John of Patmos beheld of a new heaven and a new earth, reminiscent of Isaiah 65. The new city of Jerusalem came down from heaven, arriving like a bride ready for her wedding, because God would now live with the people, and there would be no more separation between earth and heaven, between death and life—there would be only life, and all things made new. God is the Beginning and the End, encompassing everything.

The vision of the final judgment in Matthew 25:31-46 is of a king separating the sheep from the goats. Jesus tells the disciples that when the Son of Humanity arrives in glory with the angels, those who fed the hungry and thirsty, clothed the naked, welcomed the stranger, cared for the sick, and visited the imprisoned will inherit the reign of God. They will be unaware that when they did these things, they did them to the Son, but the Reigning One will know; for when they cared for the most vulnerable, they cared for the Son. However, those who didn’t do those things, who didn’t see Christ in the faces of the people among them, they will face eternal punishment. If we are waiting for a God to come and save us, or even if we believe we are already saved and we’re just waiting for the end time, we are missing God right in front of us, and God needs us, now—in loving our neighbor as ourselves.

For Epiphany we begin with the glorious proclamation of Third Isaiah in 60:1-6: “Arise, shine, for your light has come.” For the people returning from exile, God promised them that nations would be drawn to their light, because of what God had done for them. They were a witness for God in the world, and would be blessed by other nations, who would share with them their wealth—including gold and frankincense, brought in on the backs of camels!

Psalm 72:1-7, 10-14 is a song of blessing for a new king. The psalmist asks for God to grant the new king wisdom and justice, and to judge with righteousness. The psalmist blesses the new king with long life as he listens to the poor and those in need, lifting them up. While the psalmist also calls upon other nations to bring tribute and to serve him, the psalmist also calls for the new king to deliver the most vulnerable of his kingdom from oppression and violence, to be on the side of the poor and needy.

While most scholars are uncertain if Paul wrote Ephesians, in 3:1-12, the writer, purporting to be Paul in prison, writes of how the mystery of God has been revealed now: Gentiles are also fellow heirs of God through Jesus Christ. Gentiles and Jews are members of the same body, and the church is what can bring them together on earth. Paul is the servant of God, called to deliver this message, even though he is “the least of all saints,” now in prison. God is using him to share the message: that through the church the wisdom of God may be made known to all people, even rulers, even powers in the heavens. Believers have access to God and confidence in faith because of Jesus Christ, who came for all people.

Matthew 2:1-12 contains the story of the visit of the magi. While sometimes this passage is included at Christmas with Luke’s story of the Nativity, and the magi are often included with shepherds and angels in our nativity creche’s, they are quite different stories. The magi, also known as astrologers, probably from Persia though it is uncertain where they came from, arrived in Jerusalem expecting to find a king there since that was where the royal palace was located. Instead have found Herod, a puppet king for Rome. The scribes look and find a passage in Micah 5:2 about a new king coming from Bethlehem, the city of David, to shepherd Israel. Micah was writing about Hezekiah, the new king of Judah in his time, who would prevent the Assyrian Empire from taking control of Judah. But here, the scribes have interpreted Micah to be about a Davidic king for their time. Herod sends the magi to go to Bethlehem, with the orders to return to Jerusalem and tell him where the new king is, so he can go visit him. The magi do go and find the child in Bethlehem with Mary his mother (Joseph is not mentioned at this point!). They pay him homage, offering him their gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh. However, they were warned in a dream not to return to Herod (as an angel warns Joseph in a dream right after this story about Herod’s intentions), and return home another way. Note that in verse 2, in most translations the magi ask, “Where has been born the king of the Jews?” Rev. Dr. Wilda Gafney, in A Women’s Lectionary for the Whole Church: A Multi Gospel Single-Year Lectionary, Year W in her translation on page 35 uses the term Judeans instead of Jews. This is a better translation because Herod was in charge of the Roman province of Judea, and it would make sense to be frightened of a new king of your province, rather than a new king of a people who are scattered throughout the Roman empire.

The Narrative Lectionary focuses on the Genealogy of Jesus in Matthew 1:1-17. The genealogy is actually of Joseph, not of Jesus born of Mary. Nonetheless, the genealogy shows that it was brave women like Tamar, Rahab, Ruth and Bathsheba, whose reputations were trashed by others, who boldly claimed God’s promises for themselves, and so it is with Mary, whom Joseph marries, who boldly accepts what God offers her in becoming the mother of the Savior. Joseph, in the line of David, called by God to serve the people, serves the people by taking Mary as his wife.

Psalm 132:11-12 contains the promise of God to David, that one of his descendants shall sit on the throne, if they keep God’s covenants and decrees. This is the hope that the psalmists and prophets carried forth into the hope of a new king that would lead as David led, and later, after the return from exile, in the hope of a Messiah, one who would save the people.

This is the first day of the new year, a year in which we enter with honest skepticism after the last three. Our expectations are greatly tempered, yet we wonder if God might surprise us. Are we, like those in the first-century Roman province of Judea, desperate enough to hope that the system might change? Are we open to being shown a new way from someone outside of our normal social circles? Are we simply trying to find the goodness here and now, like the Teacher in Ecclesiastes? In this new year, can we live more deeply into Christ’s call to love our neighbors as ourselves, knowing that when we care for the most vulnerable among us, we care for Christ? Where will we find the good news? What path may lead us forward?

Call to Worship
This is the first day of the new year,
Let us rejoice and be glad!
This is the time God calls us to rise up,
Let us rejoice and be glad!
This is the world God needs us to love,
Let us rejoice and be glad!
This is the day that our God has made,
Let us rejoice and be glad!

Prayer of Brokenness/Confession
Ancient of Days, from the first moment of creation until now, You have made all things new. We confess that we dwell on our past far too much, reliving memories, and wishing we could do things differently. As we move forward in this new year, may we be inspired to let go of what holds us back, whether its nostalgia, or fear, or our skepticism. May we embrace the wisdom of our ancestors and live with our past, not as a burden to carry, but as a treasure that continues to reveal new lessons and understandings. May we deepen our relationships with one another and with You, working to live into Your reign on earth as it is in heaven. To You, our Wise God and our Savior, we give over our lives and ask for Your Spirit’s leading into this new year. Amen.

We have been made a little lower than divine, with the wisdom and knowledge to care for the earth and one another. May we live into God’s intention for our lives. In wisdom, may we forgive one another as we are forgiven. May we extend grace and mercy as God has shown us grace and mercy. May we work to heal and restore as God continues to bring healing and restoration in our lives. May we love one another as Christ has loved us. In this new year, may we set this intention: to live into Christ’s way, truth, and life. Amen.

Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God Almighty! We praise You on this first day of the new year, where possibilities are endless. Help us not to get bogged down in expectations that disappoint and resolutions that fail, but instead, set our hearts on You, living into Your intention for our lives. May we seek Your wisdom in new ways this year. May we grow closer to You through spiritual practice, whether reading more of the Holy Scriptures, spending time in prayer or in Your glorious creation, caring for the earth as well as our bodies, spending time in silence—whatever we do, may we do so with the intention of knowing You more deeply in our lives, as Your intention for us is to have life abundantly in You. We thank You, our Creator, Redeemer, and Sustainer. Amen.

Epiphany Prayer
Arise, Shine! Star of Wonder, Star of Night, lead us with hope and peace, guiding us in Your ways of love and justice. May we welcome the strangers, learn from outsiders, receive Your unexpected gifts in the hospitality and blessings of others. May Your love continue to be revealed to us in this season, especially in unexpected ways, for You are the God of Mystery, continuing to reveal to us what has been hidden until now: Your wondrous, incredible love for us, through Jesus Christ our Savior. Amen.

Epiphany ideas:
Star Words is an option to give each person a star with a word written on it, as a way of guiding people with an intention into the new year. Another way to do this is to give people a star to write their own word and ask what word is speaking to their heart, giving some examples. A third way might be to ask them what is one word they have for the church in the coming year, and invite people to write on their star, and create a star banner with everyone’s stars. One year I found wooden star ornaments online and had everyone use a permanent colored pen to write their word on the star and hang it on an Epiphany tree (a small fake tree) that we kept in our foyer as a reminder of carrying our light out into the world.