Rev. Mindi Welton-Mitchell is an ordained American Baptist minister currently serving as the Executive Minister of the American Baptist Churches of Wisconsin. She has been blogging under the name Rev-o-lution since 2007 and creating worship resources since 2010. She is married to Rev. J.C. Mitchell and they have one son, AJ, who has autism. As of May 19th, 2024, she has stopped posting weekly reflections and resources on the lectionary, but will occasionally post updates.
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Rev. Mindi has essays published in The Modern Magnificat: Women Responding to the Call of God (2012), There’s a Woman in the Pulpit: Christian Clergywomen Share Their Hard Days, Holy Moments, and the Healing Power of Humor (2015), and When Kids Ask Hard Questions: Faith-Filled Responses for Tough Topics (2019). She has some of her prayers from this blog published in The New Manual of Worship from Judson Press (2018). Rev. Mindi also is published most recently in The Christian Citizen, Judson’s Journeys Bible Study Curriculum (upcoming January 2025 in the Winter edition), and the Spring 2020 American Baptist Quarterly on The Hopepunk Gospel: Weaponizing Optimism in Resistance to a Grimdark World, co-authored with Rev. Paul Schneider.
Rev. Mindi also writes fiction under the name Melinda Mitchell. Her debut novel NEXT OF KIN, a scifi retelling of the story of Ruth, released on December 12, 2023 from ARUS Entertainment.
To contact Rev. Mindi, send her an email at mindiwm at gmail dot com.
Posts from before December 17th, 2020 are found on the archives page.